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Technology and People, fundamental pillars of EIPC – New Culturers Gunea 2024. 1024 768 Eibar Precision Casting
- Departamento de Ceras EIPC Eibar Precision Casting

Technology and People, fundamental pillars of EIPC – New Culturers Gunea 2024.

Our company is a good example of the evolution and adaptability of Eibar’s businesses: throughout our history, we have transitioned from manufacturing parts for bicycles and ALFA sewing machines to…

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EIPC incorporates new technicians to the team of the EIBAR investment castings plant. 1024 768 Eibar Precision Casting
Diego Ibarra - Departamento de Ceras EIPC Eibar Precision Casting

EIPC incorporates new technicians to the team of the EIBAR investment castings plant.

Last year has been full of news and exciting things for us. The growth of the team is always a cause for celebration, and we would like to start by…

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New Culturers Gunea 2023. EIPC shares its vision and company culture with young talents. 1024 535 Eibar Precision Casting
New Cultureres Gunea 2023. Compaleros de EIPC comparten con estudiantes la cultura de la empresa

New Culturers Gunea 2023. EIPC shares its vision and company culture with young talents.

How is it possible for a small family business to compete with multinational companies and supply parts to the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers? Basically, by being faithful to and constantly…

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