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Here you will find all the latest news about EIPC and developments in our plants in Spain (Eibar) and China (Jiangyin)
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Inconel 718: A Fundamental Superalloy for Modern Industry 1024 1024 Eibar Precision Casting

Inconel 718: A Fundamental Superalloy for Modern Industry

Modern industry faces increasingly demanding challenges in the search for…

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Driving the International Expansion of Our Company: The Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Its Support for EIPC 768 1024 Eibar Precision Casting

Driving the International Expansion of Our Company: The Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Its Support for EIPC

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce plays a crucial role in…

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Technology and People, fundamental pillars of EIPC – New Culturers Gunea 2024. 1024 768 Eibar Precision Casting
- Departamento de Ceras EIPC Eibar Precision Casting

Technology and People, fundamental pillars of EIPC – New Culturers Gunea 2024.

Our company is a good example of the evolution and…

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The solidification process in the investment casting industry: milestones, key factors and main challenges 1024 1024 Eibar Precision Casting

The solidification process in the investment casting industry: milestones, key factors and main challenges

Lost-wax casting, also known as investment casting or precision casting,…

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